May 6, 2024

Introducing fortControl's new features

New features Q1/2024

Introducing fortControl's new features

New features of fortControl: A comprehensive upgrade for your information security management

Information security is now one of the top priorities for companies worldwide. With the constantly growing threat of cyber attacks and data breaches, it is essential to implement robust security practices to protect sensitive data and meet legal requirements. Therefore, we at fortControl are continuously developing for you. In the first quarter of 2024, we were able to activate some major adjustments to fortControl.

Supplier management

One of the key expansions of fortControl is the integration of supplier management into the Information Security Management System (ISMS). Companies are increasingly reliant on external IT products and services, which brings potential information security risks. Through a comprehensive analysis and evaluation of supplier security practices, these risks can be identified and minimized. fortControl enables companies to answer important questions such as:

  • What risks do we face by using external services?
  • How does the security practice of my suppliers compare to best practice?
  • Which of my internal assets are potentially endangered by external suppliers?
  • What improvement measures has the supplier committed to for the next 6 months?

By integrating supplier commitments, companies can ensure that improvements are implemented promptly to minimize their information security risks.

Supplier management in fortControl

Custom fields

fortControl now also offers the option to use custom fields. This feature allows companies to define information fields for objects themselves, thus capturing and storing the information relevant to their specific requirements. From designations to locations - companies have the freedom to enter exactly the information they need. In addition, fortControl offers seamless integration and comprehensive security networking, which is not possible with simple Excel or SharePoint lists.

Custom fields in fortControl


Labels are another innovative feature of fortControl that helps companies manage their data even more effectively. By assigning labels to objects, companies can easily organize, categorize, and retrieve information. This feature offers various possibilities, including grouping objects by projects, dividing risks into corporate and information security risks, and labeling assets and threats according to their relevance to different areas of the company.

Identifiers (IDs)

Optimizing object identification is crucial for an efficient security system. fortControl offers an innovative system of identification numbers that are not only unique but also easily readable for humans. These IDs enable unique identification, quick access via URLs, and easy referencing in discussions and documents.

With these new features, fortControl takes information security management to a new level by enabling companies to improve their security practices, manage their data more effectively, and optimize their identification and referencing.

Migration of the number field

In the past, the Number field was used for identifying objects in fortControl. Users could define any character strings there to identify objects. To ensure that no information loss occurs for existing customers, the information present in the Number field has been copied from existing customers into a field named Number under custom fields. Customers are free to continue using the Number field or to remove it and rely on the use of the newly introduced IDs by deleting Number from the custom fields. A special case is the Number field in recommendations in public surveys: The Number field in recommendations has simply been renamed to Reference. The functionality remains unaffected.

Harmonization of menu structure

Over the past year, fortControl has been expanded with numerous new functionalities. As a result, the navigation menu has become very extensive. Therefore, we have revised the navigation menu and the labels of the individual menu items to provide users with simpler and more intuitive navigation.

Menu structure in fortControl


In an era where information security plays an increasingly important role, solutions like fortControl are indispensable for companies looking to protect their data and optimize their security practices. With the new features, fortControl offers its customers a comprehensive solution to effectively address the challenges of information security management.

Rolf Wagner

Rolf Wagner

Information Security Management enthusiast.