Information Security Management

Setting up an information security management more efficiently, quickly, and professionally can significantly enhance its effectiveness. By using modern tools and methodologies, the security dispositive can be implemented and managed with ease. This allows organizations to respond swiftly to security threats while maintaining a high level of professionalism and compliance.


Key Information at a Glance

In information security, easy access to additional information and visualisations are very important so that correlations can be recognised and communicated.

Risk Matrix

All risks and residual risks at a glance, including links to measures and assets.


Complete overview of the interrelationships between risks, threats, measures, vulnerabilities and more.

Threat Radar

Relevant threats for your company, including the trend in terms of threat level.

Supplier Management

Security Maturity of Suppliers

Manage all information security-related suppliers and external services, and map their assets and associated risks. Send customised questionnaires to suppliers and determine their maturity in a simple and professional manner.

Send Questionnaires

Require suppliers to regularly fill out predefined questionnaires regarding their security maturity

Transparency Icon - Techflow X Webflow Template

Visualize Dependencies

Check which sensitive assets (processes, systems) depend on external suppliers.

Define Measures

Define effective measures based on the identified risks.

Continuous Improvement

Plan - Do - Check - Act

Define improvement measures to mitigate identified risks. Combine these measures into a cohesive improvement plan and monitor its implementation.


Create an improvement roadmap or an audit plan using a Gantt chart.

Measure Tracking

Check the implementation status of your defined measures and arrange them into a project plan.

Connecting the Dots

Use the visualiser to identify the relationships between project planning, measures and risks.